Annual Average Employment and Wages
Annual Average Employment and Wages reports several labor statistics related to employment and wage. -
Per Capita Income by Town
Per Capita Income by Town reports the 5-year estimated mean income for every individual, disaggregated by Race or Ethnicity. -
Median Age by Town
Median Age by Town reports the median age of a population for a given Town, Race/Ethnicity, Year, and Gender. -
Birth To Three Annual Data
Birth To Three Annual Data reports the number of Connecticut Birth to Three System children, per child's interaction with the system, by Calendar and Fiscal Year. -
Moodys Ratings
Moody's Ratings reports the rating of creditworthiness provided by Moody's Corporation. -
Sanctions reports the total number and type of educational sanctions at the school district and state level. -
Pre-K Students - PSIS
The Pre-K Students - PSIS dataset presents the number of children in public pre-kindergarten programs by their District of attendance. -
Four Year Cohort Graduation Rates by Race Ethnicity
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, per race/ethnicity. -
Four Year Cohort Graduation Rates by English Language Learner
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, per English Language Learner status. -
Four Year Cohort Graduation Rates by High Needs
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, per high needs status. -
Four Year Cohort Graduation Rates by Special Education Status
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, per special education status. -
Four Year Cohort Graduation Rates by Meal Eligibility
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, per meal eligibility. -
Four Year Cohort Graduation Rates by Gender
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, per gender. -
Four Year Cohort Graduation Rates by All Students
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, for all students. -
Smarter Balanced by All Students Performance
Smarter Balanced reports the number and percentage of students assessed by the Smarter Balanced (SB) Assessment, per subgroup. -
Suspension Rates by Meal Eligibility
Suspension Rate reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, for students eligible for free/reduced price meals. -
Incidents reports the number of school incidents by the type of incident. -
Suspension Rates by ELL
Suspension Rate reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, for English language learners -
Suspension Rates by Grade
Suspension Rate reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, per grade. -
Suspension Rate reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, for all students.