DUI Arrests

About this dataset
Driving under the Influence Arrests reports the number and rate (per 10,000) of recorded DUI offenses, per age range.
Full Description
The Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (prior to 2011 called the Department of Public Safety) collects and reports crime data in the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) program. This data reports the number of arrests, and is collected and reported to the state by each agency monthly. The DESPP reports this collected data annually. CTData has aggregated agency data in two locations to create a uniform level of reporting. For the town of Putnam, the Municipal Police Department and Connecticut State Police agency data has been aggregated. For Groton, the data covering the Town of Groton, the City of Groton, and Groton Long Point have been aggregated. DUI arrests occur for driving or the operation of any motor vehicle or common carrier while drunk or under the influence of liquor or narcotics. The denominators for the rates are derived from 5-Year ACS population figures. As such, the rate of arrests is given with a Margin of Error calculated from the Margin of Error present in the population data.
Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protections, accessed via data.ct.gov.