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Births by Maternal Demographic Characteristics - 3-Year Aggregations - Archive

Additional Info

Jenna Daly

All;Low Birth Weight (under 2500 grams);Very Low Birth Weight (under 1500 grams)

Births by Maternal Demographic Characteristics - 3-Year Aggregations reports the 3-year average number and percentage of births in certain categories by maternal demographic characteristics (mother's age, race, and ethnicity).


This dataset provides select birth outcomes (birthweight, gestational age) for Connecticut resident births along with select demographic characteristics of the mother (mother's age, race, and ethnicity). Low birth weight is less than 2500 grams, or about 5.5 pounds. Very low birth weight is less than 1500 grams, or about 3.3 pounds. A birth is premature if it occurs before the gestational age of 37 completed weeks. Department of Public Health collects and publishes annual vital statistics reports ( and carries annual data, 3-year and 5-year averages. More dimensions can be found in the raw data such as birth pluralities.


All;37 weeks or more;Less than 37 weeks;Gestational age unknown

Not all combinations of filters are available simultaneously due to how we were provided the data. For example, you cannot filter by both mother's age and mother's race. Possible filter combinations include: [Mother's Age, Birth Weight] or [Mother's Age, Gestational Age] or [Mother's Race/Ethnicity, Birth Weight] or [Mother's Race/Ethnicity, Gestational Age].



All;0 to 14 years;15 to 19 years;20 to 24 years;25 to 29 years;30 to 34 years;35 to 39 years;40 to 44 years;45 years and older;Unknown

All;Black;Black non-Hispanic;Hispanic;Non-Hispanic;Other;Other non-Hispanic;Unknown Ethnicity;Unknown Race;Unknown Race/Ethnicity;White;White non-Hispanic


Connecticut Department of Public Health

Combinations resulting in counts of less than 15 are suppressed. (Denoted with *)

