Lung Cancer Deaths - Archive
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Lung Cancer Deaths reports the number, crude rate, and age-adjusted mortality rate (AAMR) of deaths due to lung cancer.
Year;Measure Type;Variable
Lung cancer forms in tissues of the lung, usually in the cells lining air passages. Deaths with ICD-10 code C34 as the underlying cause of death are recorded as lung cancer deaths. Data are reported annually.
Number;Crude Rate (per 100,000);AAMR (per 100,000)
Lung cancer deaths, Number
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (through 2007). Connecticut Department of Public Health (2007 onward)
AAMR is a mortality rate that has been statistically modified to remove the effect on mortality rates of different age distributions in different populations. The catalog has DMHAS data from 1999 to 2007. The catalog has CTDPH rate calculations since 1999 and CTDPH number of cancer deaths since 2009.
Lung cancer deaths